Research & Resources MOST TITLES ARE LINKS What is a high-demand religious group? The Corporation—a modern day parable Watchtower authority takes control Why witnesses of Jesus meet together Salvation: grace, worksor both? A changed life--a new creation Will you spend an eternity with christ? Eternal life--you can know for sure Freely given gifts from God What is truth? Worldly Perception vs. God's Truth to those who love the truth know the truth!: a workbook Watchtower authoritytakes control basic teachings of the wt forbidding blood questions exposing wt error flee from darkness and deception Behind the Watchtower Curtain Beware of false prophets “A Prophet Was Among Them” Watchtower false prophecies Jehovah vs. YHWH Is Jesus an angel? The Watchtower’sDangerous Bible: the NWT Scholarly critique of the New World Translation NWT Mistranslations John 1:1 Johannes Greber, a medium of “God's spirit world” Why do you serve God? From a follower of the WT to a follower of christ rest, peace & joy in Jesus christ life stories of former JWs & more Sound Biblical Doctrine science of hermeneutics name of jesus Jesus, our lord and god is jesus jehovah/yhwh? is the holy spirit a person? God, the Holy Spirit body, soul & spirit Paradise earth? 144,000 or whosoever? great crowd in heaven? our citizenship in heaven where are the dead? Suggestions for Engaging JWs effective witnessing A challenge to followers of Christ know the truth!: a workbook questions exposing wt error Watchtower photocopies & photos linked to on this site Children book The Harp of God book Will Million now living never die? booklet 1,000 Years well spent 1942-46 booklet by imprisoned JWs a prophet was among them photocopy UN & the Watchtower Society photocopy WT Calling card, post WWII, photocopy Christmas & the Watchtower photo: Pastor Russell's tombstone photo: rented Kingdom hall, circa 1940 Mormonism (LDS):A Short Book Mormonism: Challenged to Investigate