A Workbook for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians
Revised, Updated, and Expanded 2022
Originally written and compiled by Todd Ellis with the aid of his wife Betty and printed in 2008, this Third Edition has been completely updated and expanded by this ministry. It contains over 150 pages of informative biblical expositions in an 8.5″ x 11″ professionally bound workbook.
It includes photocopies of Watchtower materials, and charts by both the Ellises and by other Christian apologists. Following a critical look at the Watchtower Organization and their teachings and claims, this workbook uses Scripture to explain the biblical view of key doctrines like Jesus Christ, salvation, and grace.
KNOW THE TRUTH! concludes with nearly 60 questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses with Scripture references as well as suggestions for sharing the true gospel with them effectively.
Mr. Ellis was the husband and father of a Jehovah’s Witness family who were lost in the Watchtower Society for twelve years. Todd served as an elder, public speaker, and teacher for the Watchtower Society in their local kingdom hall in Pennsylvania. His wife Betty served as an auxiliary pioneer.
Todd and Betty, along with their three children, were saved out of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Watchtower Organization in December of 1981. Since becoming born again followers of Jesus Christ in 1982, they have actively shared their testimonies and ways to better help Jehovah’s Witnesses meet the biblical Savior Jesus Christ.
Todd went to be with the Lord in 2020. He and Betty were the previous leaders of Make Sure Ministries, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) Bible apologetics ministry.
Mrs. Nock edited this most recent edition of KNOW THE TRUTH! Her goal was to bring Mr. Ellis’ workbook up-to-date some 14 years after the original edition. In the process material was updated, revised, and expanded to include more topics, including changes that have occurred in the Watchtower Society such as the dishonest editing decisions in their 2013 New World Translation of the Bible and their move to a largely online presence. She is the current facilitator of Make Sure Ministries.
See below for a partial Table of Contents.
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You may also download a PDF copy here at no charge to add to your electronic reading device or to print out (156 pages plus front and back covers). This is a service offered most especially for our readers who live out of the United States or Canada. We are, however, willing to mail a copy anywhere in the world if requested.
What Is a High-Performance Religious Group?
SECTION 1 – Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
Watchtower Authority Takes Control
WT Is God’s Channel of Communication?
“Fight Against Independent Thinking”
False Prophecies & Wrong Doctrines
SECTION 2 – Basic Teachings of the Watchtower Society
What Does the WT Teach and Believe?
Life Behind the WT Curtain
WT Changes the Baptism Formula
Blood Transfusions Forbidden
A Brief WT History to the Present
SECTION 3 – The Good News!
Jehovah’s Saving Gospel
By Grace, Not by Works!
Why Are You Working for God?
Assurance of Eternal Life
Surpassing Greatness of Knowing Jesus Christ
“In Christ” and “Christ in You”
Rest, Peace, and Joy in Christ
SECTION 4 – New World Translation
WT’s Bible “Translation”
Biblical Scholars Expose WT’s “Translation” of John 1:1
Demotion of Jesus
WT’s Infamous “Translation” of John 1:1
John 1:1 “Translation” by Johannes Greber
WT Demotes the Holy Spirit
More WT Translation Dishonesty
SECTION 5 – The Jesus of the Bible
Who Is the Biblical Jesus?
Should We Worship Jesus?
Importance of the Name of Jesus
Jesus’ Bodily Resurrection
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
Is “Jehovah” a False Transliteration of God’s Name?
Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Two Mighty Gods
SECTION 6 – Death and the Afterlife
Where are the Dead?
Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna
Spirit, Soul, and Body
Our Citizenship Is in Heaven
The 144,000 or “Whoever”?
SECTION 7 – Christians: Effective Witnessing
You Will Be Witnesses of Me, Jesus
Effective Witnessing
Avoid Quarrels!
Questions to Plant Seeds toward Setting JWs Free
Come to Jesus–Find Rest for Your Soul
Bibles in English
Working Together for Jesus
SECTION 8 – Testimonies, Resources, Ministries
Todd’s Testimony
Betty’s Testimony
Christian Apologetics Ministries
Brief History of Make Sure Ministries
Recommended Reading, Partial Works Cited