Our Life Stories
Neil: Paganism to Christ
Michelle: Catholic to JW to believer in Jesus
Carol: Church Goer to WT Student & Back to Christ
Betty Ellis: Tragic Loss of Her Father ...
Todd Ellis: From the "Prison Yard" to Freedom in Christ
Juan Abel: Could Never Measure Up
Nicole: Broken Free & on to Jesus!
Martha: From Contempt to My Heavenly Father
George: God's Grace with an Active JW Wife
Ray & Marilyn: 50 Years in the WT
Denise: Heavy Burden Removed
John: Armageddon Failed 1975
Bill & Dawne: Never JWs but Touched by Their Plight
Dave: Married to a Mormon
Additional Stories
Jehovah’s Witnesses:
— May we suggest Paul and Pat Blizard’s story, “They Wanted Our Baby to Die.”
The above story is from the mid 1980s. Here is Paul speaking in 2022, “Life after the Watchtower.”
— There are additional stories posted as MP3s for streaming or downloading on JW Info Line. Each story includes a short synopsis to help you choose.
— Oldies but Goodies! These are all audio and each includes a descriptive paragraph: MMOutreach
Some samples — but there are many more:
What happened in Bethel in 1980? by Randall Waters & Robert Sullivan, Parts 1 & 2
Researcher for the Aid to Understanding book, Ed Dunlap, disfellowshipped, Parts 1 & 2
Spanish translators Chris and Norma Sanchez came out trying to translate John 17:3 into Spanish
Leonard and Marjorie Chretien who produced the movie Witnesses of Jehovah in the late 80s, early 90s
Our very own Dave and Lori Calicchia, “Set Free”
— Stories can be found on Utah Lighthouse Ministry‘s site.