Support Group, Conferences,
and Resources

Support Group

Every second Saturday with few exceptions, our Support Group meets both in person and online. We are located in southeast Florida, U.S.A., for those who would like to come to our homes. We serve people from Miami-Dade north to the Space Coast.

We begin at 1 pm EST or EDT. If you want to join us from around the world on Google Meet, we begin at 2 pm and all you’ll miss is a delicious lunch!

We welcome all to join us and share your experiences with whatever high-demand, authoritarian sect with which you are or have been involved. We tend to focus on Jehovah’s Witnesses, but welcome anyone because the psychological and sociological manipulation is the same.

We are a welcoming, discreet group of mostly ex-Witnesses who would love to hear your story.


These generally include live- streaming over the internet and posted videos following the event.


Need to clear out the Watchtower cobwebs in your brain? >>>