God is Opening Hearts by Phone
Are you seeking guidance in understanding the Scriptures, akin to how Philip assisted the Ethiopian eunuch in comprehending the portion of Isaiah he was reading? (Acts 8:26-40) We're here to assist you.
Thousands of wounded and confused persons are escaping Watchtower deception and control!
We offer free One-on-One Bible Studies by Phone for those hurting and confused by what you have been taught by the Watchtower Society. We use ONLY the Bible.
We help ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses to know the truth about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel (2 Cor. 11: 3-4).
Please call Betty at 386.747.9662, Andrew in the UK at 011447885445422, or email us at info@MakeSureMinistries.com.
Jesus invites truth lovers to come to Him: Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
More and more Jehovah’s Witnesses are coming to realize there is no rest for the followers of the Watchtower. The organizational burdens are heavy and their rules are endless.
This concept was begun by Todd Ellis, author of our Know the Truth! workbook, in the 1990s. He had as many as 18 studies a week by phone plus taught classes to Christians desiring to help Jehovah’s Witnesses escape Watchtower slavery. When he took ill, his widow Betty took over his studies. When he went home to be with the Lord in November 2020, she continued on, adding studies regularly as people reach out to us.
Andrew in the United Kingdom is also now available to study whether in the UK, in Europe, or anywhere else including the United States via What’s App.
The apostle Paul tells us that he considers “Everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:8).” Jesus said, “I know My sheep and My sheep know Me.” (John 10:14)
Our goal is to set captives free in Christ, free from the darkness and deception of false prophets and false teachers. If you are personally troubled, or have questions and need help, please call us. We will love you with the love of Christ.
The Good Shepherd calls His sheep by name. Jesus will give you the free gift of eternal life and promises that you shall never perish and no one can snatch you out of His hand (John 10:27-28). You can now receive a new heart, a transformed mind and a second birth.
May today be the day that you begin to Make Sure of All Things, examine all things, test all things, prove all things. (1 Th. 5:21)