Conferences Around the Nation

East, Southeast, Mid-West, Southwest (Texas),
West Coast, U.S.A.

There are both independent conferences and Witnesses Now for Jesus Conferences around the United States and one that was planned for England, just outside of London, but cancelled due to COVID.

Independent Conferences

> Bible Ready Conference, New Braunfels, TX (32 miles NE of San Antonio), in the summer (

The Conferences are live-streamed. Contact the above link for more information.

YouTube videos from the 2022 Conference.

Witnesses Now for Jesus Conferences (WNFJ)

The original Convention (now Conference), which began in 1978, took place each autumn in New Ringgold, Pennsylvania, and was a wonderful time of fellowship for all! The attendees were often an international mix of hurting people seeking freedom from bondage to cults. This was in the days before the internet gave everyone easy access to information. While the focus tended to be on Jehovah’s Witnesses, this was not to the exclusion of those involved with other groups.  Many counter cult ministries were represented. Everyone found much information and fellowship with others of like minds and hearts. In 2019 when the Conference moved to Harrisburg, PA, and now is in a number of locations around the United States.

Each Conference is now live-streamed. will provide all the information needed for attendance and live streaming. If a Conference isn’t listed on their site, it is generally because a specific date has not been yet established.

Current locations:

> East Coast Witnesses Now for Jesus Conference, Harrisburg, PA, in the fall

> Southeast Witnesses Now for Jesus Conference, Port Orange, FL, (NE of Orlando) in the winter (2023 – March 31-April 2 [this one is in the early spring])

> Mid-West Witnesses Now for Jesus Conference, Bonne Terre, Missouri (south southwest of Saint Louis) often the last weekend in July

> West Coast Witnesses Now for Jesus Conference, Sacramento, CA, often the last weekend in April

Check for Conferences still to come this calendar year. Following the Pennsylvania Conference, planning then begins for the next year. You are also welcome to email this ministry using the form to the right, tell us which conference you are interested in, and we will find out the needed information and send it to you.

Each Conference is live streamed and videos of the speakers are later posted to the YouTube channel WNFJ2008.

We hope to see you at one of these conferences!