Who Are We?  We are …

… folks who have been associated …

… in one way or another with various religious groups (mainly Jehovah’s Witnesses) which claim to “speak for God”—exclusively. Either we have been involved ourselves or we have close family and/or friends who, suddenly or over a period of time, cut family ties as they isolated themselves within the group.

There are many “Bible-based” groups …

… which subscribe to particular doctrines and/or have leadership which controls and manipulates individuals within the group. We are most familiar with Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons, but are willing to help others as the conditions they have experienced are all similar. All of these groups engage in psychological and sociological manipulation.

We are concerned, Bible-believing Christians …

… who desire to reflect the love of the Lord Jesus Christ to those in these various high-demand, authoritarian, closed, and highly manipulative religious groups.

We are networked with others who, like us, …

… realize that God is a God of love and mercy Who loves and accepts us unconditionally through our faith in Him alone. Unlike the conditional acceptance of cultic groups, we seek to foster unconditional acceptance of each other as well.

Our Goals

  • To reflect the love of Christ to those caught up in high demand, manipulative religious groups, to those studying to become involved, and to family and friends of these individuals: While these types of groups share much in common, the specific doctrine varies. We do have an emphasis on Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons, yet have information on other groups as well.

  • To be available for support, encouragement & fellowship, developing positive relationships with those in need: This is accomplished largely through our South Florida Support Group. We are now inviting folks to join us via Google Meet from most anywhere in the world. There is a wide network of people like us. If you want to meet someone in person, let us know from where you are and we’ll do our best to get you in touch with others in your area.

  • To share our documentation—most original—of false prophecies, doctrinal flip-flops, contradictions, and manipulative coercion techniques

  • To encourage individuals to worship, serve, fellowship and grow spiritually in healthy, Bible-believing churches

Leaving a High-Demand Group

Why do people coming out of these high-demand groups benefit from a support system?

  • Walking away from these controversial groups leaves people with emotional pain, unresolved conflicts in their belief system and questions about:

    • What the Bible really teaches

    • The nature of spiritual, psychological, and sociological manipulation and abuse

    • Coping with feelings of anger, anxiety, and pain and in need of sharing with others with similar experiences

    • Re-establishing trust in one’s self, in others, and in true Christian fellowship

Need help?

Check out our Support Group Meetings,  One-on-One Bible Study by Phone, our newly updated, revised and expanded workbook, KNOW THE TRUTH! A Workbook for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians, and the National Conferences.

Feel free to reach out to us directly here.

Explore Additional Topics Below:

  • A Brief History of Make Sure Ministries

  • What is Truth?

  • Eternal Life: Jesus said, “Come to Me”

  • Marilyn’s Cookie Ministry