We left our fellow “as if dead” in Part 7a after learning from a myriad of mostly Eastern philosophers that he should engage in self-flagellation to find release from the well… Not content with that [removing my clothes and beating myself senseless], I deliberately cut myself with sharp pieces of rock until the blood came. And … Read More
After being entreated by Joseph Smith (Part 6) to read the Book of Mormon and see if he would feel a “burning in the bosom” to “know that it is true,” our hapless man remained quite trapped when… [Begin the Man in the Well BLOG Series from the first installment, the Greek Orthodox Priest] Later came teachers of Theosophy, Spiritism, … Read More
We left our fellow deeply concerned that Charles Taze Russell (Part 5), founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, had left him without hope… [Begin the Man in the Well BLOG Series from the first installment, the Greek Orthodox Priest] Suddenly, I heard some clanking metal—and I saw above the well a man who claimed the noise emanated from some Golden … Read More
Our man has endured hearing that being in the well is but a figment of his imagination from the founder of Christian Science (Part 4). Upon his dire circumstances now arrives… [Begin the Man in the Well BLOG Series from the first installment, the Greek Orthodox Priest] CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, the … Read More
After a long and difficult time, pondering the many deeds the Roman Catholic priest (Part 3a & Part 3b) had told him he must do, along comes… [Begin the Man in the Well BLOG Series from the first installment, the Greek Orthodox Priest] MARY BAKER EDDY of Christian Science I had almost given up hope when I happened … Read More
And our fellow continues (from Part 3a) to contemplate what the Roman Catholic priest has told him he must do… [Begin the Man in the Well BLOG Series from the first installment, the Greek Orthodox Priest] The more I thought of the mass, the more [troubled] I became. Christ, I knew, had been offered once for all, and … Read More
We have seen our man in the well disappointed by the Greek Orthodox priest (Part 1) and by the rabbi (Part 2). Then along comes a… ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST Presently, my attention was arrested by a shadow that fell across the opening, and upon looking up, I observed a man standing at the top of … Read More
Having just spoken to a Greek Orthodox priest, we left our poor fellow deep in the well clutching an ikon of the holy St. Nicholas. (Part 1) And along comes… THE JEWISH RABBI While meditating on all this, I chanced once more to glance up, I exclaimed, my heart overflowing with gratitude, “I have fallen into this … Read More
From Smith, Oswald J., The Battle for Truth, Marshall, Morgan & Scott, publisher, 1962, pp. 7-23 This is a story about a man who fell into a well and could not possibly get out by himself. As he sits, stunned and in pitch dark, pondering his predicament, several men of faith pass by to explain to … Read More
If a = x and b = x and c = x, then a = b = c The concept of the triune God is one in which various sects have a very difficult time believing because they cannot see its logic. Well, let’s begin by quoting Isaiah 55:8-9: “‘For My thoughts are not your … Read More